Call the Office at
Office Hours
8:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern time Monday through Friday, excepting standard holidays
Information regarding office closures due to vacations, extended travel to out-of-state clients, and speaking engagements that will interrupt normal operating hours will be provided on the office telephone answer machine and/or via e-mail notification.
Telephone and E-mail Assistance
Assistance via telephone should be scheduled in advance to ensure a timely response. Please note that with the exception of calls related to scheduling or similar housekeeping tasks, telephone conversations should be considered “on the clock” and therefore billable. Do ask for clarification at the time of your call if you are uncertain whether the contents will be chargeable.
Office Hours and Contact Information
E-mailed inquiries generally fall into three categories:
(requests for appointments, schedule conflicts, etc.) - response is typically within one business day
Request for solution for specific, clearly-defined question or challenge
- solution via e-mail is typically within one business day
Request for solution for more complex question or challenge
- request for clarification via telephone call or remote session within one business day if the question is unclear or there are multiple solutions from which to choose (top)